Our worship gathering is called Word and Table. It happens Sundays 10am at 705 Main St. East (St. Peter’s Anglican) on the corner of Main and St. Clair. We sing, pray, learn and take communion together, and save time for fellowship after. For some it might feel traditional; for others, modern. Think of it as a reset: a time to be gather with friends and be reminded of the Good News of Jesus. Other things to note:

TEACHING: Our sermons are Gospel-centred, family-friendly, and normally last about 25-35 minutes. We usually try to leave space for discussion and / or Q and A as well.

MUSIC: Our songs are neither “traditional” nor “modern”. We’re SO over the worship wars: old or new, if we can sing it authentically, we probably will sooner or later.

COMMUNION: Everyone who wishes may join our Communion celebration. It begins with private confession; the bread and juice we share signifies we’ve put our hope in what Jesus accomplished through His bodily suffering and shed blood. Children are welcome to share in Communion, with parents’ permission.

KIDSPACE: Pre-school aged kids are invited (though not required) to share Bible-based lessons and activities in our KidSpace program, which begins just before the sermon, and will reunite kids and parents just before Communion. For more info on how we engage kids during Word and Table, click here.